Pictus III : The story of “Snare”, Art and Painted Wolf Wines: Conservation and Fine Living go hand in hand!


Lin Barrie Art……..

I am honoured to have my painting chosen for the label of the Pictus III wine produced by Painted Wolf Wines……a delicious vintage for the future to pair with fine food….



This is my painting, “Snare and her brother”, acrylic on canvas…..

Snare and her Brother

Snare and her Brother

How does wine and art benefit African wild dogs?…Read On!…….

(PLUS! we stock the lovely wines at Chilo Gorge Safari Lodge, and will host a Wine and Wild dog event at Chilo Gorge Lodge in 2015!


In the year of 2008, we spent much of our time observing a pack of African hunting dogs (Lycaon pictus) in the south of the Save Valley Conservancy, Zimbabwe.

Consisting of four adults, four yearlings and, initially, more than nine puppies, this pack had had more than its share of tragedy.

The young female, “Snare”, I so called because when we first saw the adult dogs, in 2007, she had a wire snare tight around her neck, causing a gaping wound. For many months she cleverly evaded our attempts to dart her. Her pain was evident in her haunted eyes….

Snare and the horrible wire noose

Snare and the horrible wire noose

Snare was difficult to approach since the pack had not yet denned down, still pursuing their nomadic way of life. The Alpha female was visibly pregnant, and obviously hunting for a suitable den site.

All we could do was to keep alert for occasional sightings of the dogs. I truly became discouraged-her wound was so traumatic that it seemed she could not possibly survive if we were unable to remove the vicious wire.

Snare with wire

Snare with wire

At last, scouts located a den site and we were able to begin to visit the dogs, slowly habituating them to our presence, and discovering that they had at least nine fat pups ensconced in a warthog burrow. Joyful hours were spent watching the new family, but we struggled to coordinate a darting team in the first few days. Each day I would watch poor Snare struggling to breathe and keep up with her pack. She resolutely trailed after them on every hunt, interacting as best she could with her boisterous siblings-always thinner than the rest and staying away from the new babies, unlike her sisters. Her siblings, in turn, cleaned her terrible wound and chaperoned her constantly. ………

Slash and Snare

Slash and Snare

She tried hard to jump and play with them before evening hunts, but was always subdued in comparison to their exuberance.

Exuberant yearlings

Exuberant yearlings

Another tragedy then hit the dogs-a huge python found the burrow, whether by intent or accident we will never know, and, overnight, ate many of the pups-leaving only four whom the Alpha female immediately relocated to another den close by.

only four pups left.....

only four pups left…..

After some aborted attempts to dart Snare, eventually we got lucky and Graham Connear immobilized her.

Snare gets darted

Snare gets darted

tranquilising dart

tranquilising dart

Removing the wire, Reuben, Chief Game Scout from the African Wildlife Conservation Fund found that it had begun to cut into her trachea, thank goodness still a small hole.

Reuben cuts the wire snare

Reuben cuts the wire snare

Reuben is a master tracker, can find dog tracks where no one else can!



the offending wire is removed at last!

the offending wire is removed at last!

Cleaning the wound as best we could, we administered antibiotics…….and I was honoured to be able to hold her paw, a potent symbol  of function and real beauty belonging to this wild, fast hunter.

Clive Stockil and Graham Connear monitor temerature and administer antibiotics

Clive Stockil and Graham Connear monitor temerature and administer antibiotics

Snare's gorgeous paw

Snare’s gorgeous paw

after admiring her thick, soft tricolour coat, (which I have used as the backdrop to this Blog of mine!), we left her to recover…….

Clive and Rueben wait for the reversal drug to begin working

Clive and Rueben wait for the reversal drug to begin working

Over the next few days I saw a transformation that was wondrous to behold- Snare went from strength to strength, daily interacting more and more with the four tiny pups and hunting enthusiastically with her pack. Snare became an active hunter again! The pups would eagerly wait her return from a hunt……

Wild dog pup at den

Wild dog pup at den

 Snare was a new animal, the breath still faintly whistling through the now healing hole in her neck, but her eyes bright and her enthusiasm boundless. She became a leader of the hunt, often being the one to return first with the Alpha male, both bloody necked from a successful kill, to regurgitate food for her mother, the Alpha female, and her new little siblings!

Snare rejuvenated.....

Snare rejuvenated…..

My oil paintings and sketches show Snare interacting before a hunt with her siblings, a symbol of the stamina and will that these dogs show in the face of adversity. She now had the strong potential to be a leader, an Alpha female with pups of her own in the future.

Read this link to discover the story of “Snare”, a Wild dog, and how she is linked to these fine wines!

Pictus III : The story behind the label | Painted Wolf Wines.

and other stories about wine and conservation….

Pictus I (2009)


Pictus I 2009

Pictus I 2009

About wineandwilddogs

Lin Barrie The Save Valley Conservancy stretches along the upper reaches of the great Save River in the south east of Zimbabwe. The Gonarezhou National Park laps against the southern banks of the Save River and between these two nestles the Malilangwe Wildlife Reserve. These three celebrated wildlife areas form part of the Greater Limpopo Transfrontier Conservation Area, (GLTFCA)- a unique wilderness jewel which is home to the “Big Five” (endangered Black and White rhinos, elephants, buffalo, lion, leopard) and the ”Little Six” (Klipspringer, Suni, Duiker, Steenbok, Sharpe's Grysbok and Oribi). Endangered African wild dogs, Cheetah, Brown hyena, Bat-eared foxes and a host of special birds and plants contribute to the immense variety of this ecosystem. Communities around the GLTFCA contribute to innovative partnerships with National Parks and the private sector, forming a sound base on which to manage social, economic and environmental issues. This is home to artist and writer Lin Barrie and her life partner, conservationist Clive Stockil. Expressing her hopes, fears and love for this special ecosystem with oil paints on canvas, Lin Barrie believes that the essence of a landscape, person or animal, can only truly be captured by direct observation. Lin Barrie states: “Through my art, and my writing, I feel an intimate connection with the natural world, and from my extensive field sketches of wild animals, people and landscapes, I create larger works on canvas. Lin's work is in various public and private collections in South Africa, Kenya, Zimbabwe, Australia, England, Canada, Sweden and the United States of America. She is represented by galleries in South Africa, Zimbabwe, England, Kenya and Florida, USA.
This entry was posted in Africa, African Safari, African wild dogs, african wildlife, african wildlife conservation fund, animal rights, art, bicycle rides, conservation, conservation news, cooking, culture, dogs, eco-tourism, education, food, Lin Barrie Art, painted dog conservation, Painted Dogs, painted Dogs, Painted Wolf Wines, painted wolves, Poaching, wilderness, wine, zimbabwe and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

2 Responses to Pictus III : The story of “Snare”, Art and Painted Wolf Wines: Conservation and Fine Living go hand in hand!

  1. Pingback: A Wild Dog takes to the air! | wineandwilddogs

  2. Pingback: A Wild Dog takes to the air! | Africa Adventure Company

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